Producer Of Fine Handwoven Rugs From Iran

We are the SOR family, a producer of fine handwoven rugs from Iran. Our rugs are meticulously crafted, showcasing the exceptional skills of our weavers. They are made using high-quality materials such as silk and wool-silk, resulting in rugs with a precise and elegant texture.

Experience the transformation of your home or business with our rugs, each one featuring a unique and captivating design. Our pricing is accurate and reasonable, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for you.

You can conveniently purchase our rugs online or visit our stores. For a truly immersive experience, we invite you to travel to Mashhad and Tehran in Iran, where you can witness the beauty of our rugs up close.

We sincerely appreciate your presence here in Iran and the opportunity to share our exquisite rugs with you.


Iranian Handwoven Rugs

Authentic | Natural-touch | Elegant

One of the earliest remarkable achievements in the world of rugs can be attributed to the skilled artisans of Iran. Iranian hand-woven rugs are renowned for their unique designs and intricate patterns, achieved through the artistic process of knotting strands into warp and weft.

The patterns and textures found in Iranian hand-woven rugs hold deep cultural significance and authenticity, making them cherished by people worldwide. This cultural richness adds to the material and spiritual value of these rugs.

Since ancient times, mankind has sought protection from the harsh elements of the environment, including the extremes of heat and cold. Over time, it was discovered that by tightly compressing fibers of wool and animal hair, thick threads could be created. These threads, when intricately tied together, formed distinct designs and provided insulation against the temperature variations of the earth.

The art of weaving continued to evolve as fundamental techniques were refined and enhanced. Through this development, humans acquired new skills and knowledge in combining warp and weft threads, resulting in the exquisite craft of rug weaving. In addition to wool, silk also became a cherished material used in the creation of these hand-woven rugs, further adding to their allure and beauty.